Day 4 Orlando to Pensacola – Left, left, left!!!

Orlando to Pensacola

Waking to the acrid smell of burrito inspired flatulence in the Florida heat, ABN took to the captains chair, gingerly piloting our 32ft monstrosity to its next stop, Pensacola, 6 hours west from Orlando, located on what is commonly referred to as “The Redneck Riveria”.

Our journey was rather unremarkable, the only entertainment being provided by ABN and his propensity to occupy the interstate hard shoulder (only to be met by screams from the cabin of “left!”) and unique style parking which was admired by the entire gas station, all 15 minutes worth of it.

Pink shorts

Upon our late arrival into Pensacola RV resort we broke out the weights on the beach for our shoulders super set, made notable by the deep burn felt and ABN strange decision to spice up the session by doing it in his budgie smugglers, which we were reliable informed is not gay…at all.

Tops off


Day 3 Miami to Orlando – The Replacements

Miami to Orlando

Miami to Orlando

The day started at 5.30am with much excitement for our 7am Fan-boating excursion with some Burt Reynolds-esque rednecks in the heart of the Everglades. Armed with some very cryptic/James Bondish notes – “the wood pigeon squawks twice on a foggy London morning”- on how to get to the rendezvous point, we set off with haste. Forty-five minutes of cruising through some very dodgy neighbourhoods in our big shiny and expensive RV waiting for our Fan-boat guide to answer his phone we decided to set off for Universal Studios in Orlando very quickly as we had attracted more than our fair share of unwanted attention with our presence.

With Nic at the helm we made our way to Orlando, 5 hours north of Miami, home of Disney Land, Universal Studios and our RV repair centre. After putting a significant dent in the “big bloody bug” population using our Windshield through the Floridian countryside we entered Orlando and were greeted by a ferocious thunder storm which resulted in our cabin flooding due to the modifications we had made at the previous day at Miami Airport.

Bug Carnage:

Dropping Andy and ABN off at Universal Studios to get their photo’s taken with Harry Potter the rest of the gang proceeded to the RV service centre to be relieved of $1000 and have a replacement RV issued with 2 fully functioning Air Con units.

After transferring our gear from one RV to the other and filling out the necessary paperwork the boys headed to Universal Studios to be greeted by a sopping wet and inebriated Andy and ABN as it turned out that all rides at universal were shut down with the storm, so the only adventure to be had was a terrible Irish bar and mild chaffing.

Making our way to the RV site we had our first error of the day, we had managed to book ourselves into a dry RV site…so we  closed the windows, drew the curtains, broke out the Esky and the poker chips and made one hell of a ‘Dutch Oven’.

After 1 too many indiscriminate gusts of wind we headed into Downtown Orlando to mingle with the locals and get our first taste of a big night out in the US. A few jager-bombs and burritos later we left downtown early AM relatively unscathed minus a few bizarre experiences with the local girls, one of which is now the custodian of a chunk of skin from ABN’s neck.

Day 2 Miami – A Date with Destiny…Miami Police, Two very friendly locals, and an Airport awning that will never be the same again.

Would you pick up this Man?

Today started abruptly at 3am after being woken by a dishevelled and confused vagrant who resembled our dear friend Dean. After much interrogation we were able to determine this was infact Dean after being regaled with stories detailing his last 36 hours of break downs, hitch-hiking 500 KM’s to Vancouver with bi-sexuals and learning the priceless lesson that paying an extra 50 bucks for a flight that has no stopovers compared to one that has 3 is a very good idea indeed.

After some horse play and obligatory urination in the hotel pool we made our way to South Beach for breakfast where unbeknownst to us, we were on the menu. No sooner had we sat down when we began to notice the abundance of male nipple rings, well manicured beards and more than 4 dozen kind eyes locked on us and our chiselled physiques. After a delightful/uncomfortable breakfast we had our first (and little did we know our last) morale boaster with two friendly/camp gentlemen yelling at us “hi Sexy!!!” as they hung out of their passing car window, the consensus being this was aimed at Josh and his sculpted 6 pack.

With some time to burn before we picked up our modest wheels, explored South Beach with caution and were left somewhat underwhelmed. Exploring done we embarked on getting to the Winniebago pick up point which resided in the deepest and darkest recesses of South Miami.

Picking up few supplies at Walmart

Having ignored our Winniebago instructional tour (pointless, we know everything there is to know about RV’ing), we took to the roads of Miami with gusto and headed for Miami International Airport to pick the 5thand final member of our touring party, Andy. Gingerly navigating through the Miami gridlock with Nic at the helm and Aaron/Ben (ABN) in the navigator’s seat we came across the unforeseen nightmare that is/was Miami International. After several circles around Miami Airport we got confirmation that Andy was in place for a running pick up at the arrivals terminal and attempted a bold and shallow drop-in to the pick-up bay where we were promptly greeted by the sound of our rear Air Conditioning unit on the top of our Winniebago being crushed/wedged against the top of Miami International Arrivals Terminal awning. Half an hour, a police report and 1 new sky light later we were back on the road with our full compliment headed for supplies and our everglades campsite.

Driving the beast out of the parking lot:

Damage Assessment:

Stuck under the awning at Miami International Airport. Notice the crushed AC unit.

After some hairy situations with some ill advised 3 point turns on dual carriage ways we managed to get to a K-Mart for much needed supplies, notable items: 5 boxes of cornflakes for $10, 2 star spangled banner camp chairs and Justin Bieber’s Back stage board game (unfortunately was not approved by the purchasing committee). Stock picking completed, we left josh to sort out the finer details of payment of the 2 trolleys while we cavorted around a dark and empty car parking lot like 4 rich white boys in our big expensive Winniebago. Circa 30 minutes of white boy grab-arsing around the RV we were approached by a speeding dark blue four wheeled drive, rolling down the drivers side window we were greeted by 2

She'll be fine

heavily strapped undercover police officers seemingly intent on flexing their authoritative muscle and shutting down our light hearted horse-play. Instead we were politely urged to leave as quickly as possible as we were “in the War-zone” referring to the high level of crime perpetrated from an estate 4oo metres from our position and that we would be targeted for an armed robbery should we not leave promptly. Never has an RV been packed so quickly.

And so we made our way to our campsite accompanied by the hardest tunes our iPods could muster to blend into our surroundings. After our arrival to the campsite we sat down and reflected on the day’s events and finished with Deans quote “If i didn’t get here today, I wouldn’t be here now”.

The stabin cabin crew

Day 1 London to Miami – The Rendezvous

Fake smiles

London to Miami –Josh, Nic & Aaron – consisted of Love and Other Drugs, Black Swan back to back interspersed with aggressive lunging on the upper deck of our 747, while Nic had his destination broner firmly tucked underneath his belt.

After a vigorous yet gentle rogering from US customs we made our way to downtown Miami and checked into an upgraded two bed Condo at the Viceroy Downtown Miami and waited for the arrival of Dean from Vancouver in the comfort of the Hotel gym (thursdays’ Arms & Back).

Its boring, but its our life...

After 5 hours of Mexican grub, beers and plastic fantastic women in one of trendier areas of Downtown Miami we agreed that Dean had more than likely forgotten about our trip across America and decided to call it a night and get a few hours sleep before Day 1 of our RV adventure really began with arrival of Andy from London and the hand over of our keys to the 32ft behemoth that will be our home for the next 18 days and maybe Dean will grace us with his presence.

The nights accomodation

A pillow fight ensues

The night before…

Told Nic to sleep on the floor – 1st good move.

Didn’t name the blog after the jimmy bin – 2nd good move.

Said our goodbyes and went to bed for all of 4 hours.

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