Day 13 The Grand Canyon, Arizona

We started the day off on a mission, Andy, Dean and ABN were booked on a helicopter tour of the canyon while Nic and Josh boned up on the history of habitation of the canyon.

After some pretty hairy winds in the helicopter both inside and out the boys landed and Josh and Dean ambitiously set out to hike “The Bright Angel Trial” which is a 20 KM round trip hike covering an elevation of 1000 metres in 6 hours after 2 weeks of boozing…

The boys got down in good time and good form bar Josh’s knee and were astounded by the continual change of the canyon as they continued to decend. With strict time markers to hit the boys set off to get back up the canyon in the same amount of time they had to get down. Three quarters of the way up Joshy was in a world of hurt while dean took photos of his slow demise.

Eventually making it home in their targeted time, the boys chilled out in the RV while Josh rode out his waves of sickness in bed, mentally preparing himself for Las Vegas.

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Mrs Whatton
    May 31, 2011 @ 09:38:56

    Hi FW,

    Just a quick update from Little Italy! You’ll be pleased to know that your friends Darren and Phillis really looked after me on Friday night. Phillis in particular, was amazing in Dover Street Bar & Grill – i’ve not been twirled and spun so much in my entire lifetime… I particularly enjoyed his slow rumba – what a romantic!

    Anyway, got to dash to Marks & Sparks now to get you some new T-shirts. The ones I bought you for Xmas look a bit tight from those photos – will get you the XXL size (be sure to write that down just in case you happen to go shopping with Clara when you’re back).

    Anyway, speak to you soon.

    Lots of love,
    Mum xxx

    PS Give my love to ABN


  2. Busty McGee
    May 31, 2011 @ 13:11:28

    Howdy Boys,

    In case y’all don’t remember me I’m the “exotic dancer” you invited back to your suite in vegas. It’s been so dog gone hard trying to get in touch with you fellas, but i’m just desperate to get that money you apparently owe my pre-operative friend Ivana Beawoman. He/She tells me that they put in a lot of work with that fella in the pink shorts and…gosh they deserve to be paid for it!

    p.s. I still can’t believe how cheap that guy with the funny english accent, imitation beard and lady-like legs was – i never seen any one more reluctant to buy champagne for a group of lovely ladies.

    see y’all again real soon.


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