Day 7 New Orleans to Austin, Texas – Brokeback Mountainbike

Leaving our compound we strapped ourselves in for an 8 and a half hour drive west to Austin, Texas, armed with ‘The Best of Natalie Imbruglia’ and a camera which came across this little beauty.

Dean approved billboard

After driving through some amazing Louisiana countryside we were amazed to see how much of the land is swamp and saw the results of the flooding from the Mississippi and realised exactly how helpless New Orleans and Baton Rouge (north of NO) would be should the authorities not have opened the flood gates into the smaller towns.


Adding Andy to the drivers roster we pulled into our inner city RV park and were immediately struck by the distinct alternative influence that the city had, to quote an Stanley Kubrick film “…holy dogshit, Texas! Only steers and queers come from Texas!..”.

We broke out the weights (as we get very little time to sculpt our guns outside the office) then again embarked on teaching Dean what the Big and Little blind in Texas hold ‘em represent, for the 3rd night in a row.

Some bullish play later we headed walked into town but not before being greeted by ‘The Rainbow Peloton’, basically a 50+ strong group of Gay & Lesbian cycling enthusiasts kitted out in some unspeakable “Scissor Sisters” inspired outfits making Elton John look Amish.

After making our way through the sea of piercings and fluorescent lycra outlined ballbags we made it into 6th street. Sampling shots at various dive bars we finally settled at a grimy blues bar which had the perfect mix of strange blokes Dean could talk to and flaming shots (video to follow)!

Flaming doctor peppers/eyebrows

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