Day 10 – Taos to Santa Fe – White water bathing

With 4 hours of sleep under our belts we finally managed to get to our launch point for our days rafting trip. Decked out in walmart’s finest we hit the snow fed waters of the Colorado with our gnarly guide, navigating through its rapids we got through relatively unscathed minus a mishap with Josh being barrelled out of the raft at our first rapid and ABN getting his just desserts after mucking around in his budgie smugglers much to the disapproval of the team.

We’re too cheap to buy the photos, you can see us in our water wings here:

Well fed and well burnt the team made their way to Santa Fe, one of the frontiers of the Spanish Empire’s reach into North America.

Reaching our RV park the boys greased themselves up for a large Saturday night in Santa Fe only to find that Santa Fe was home to the pottery and crocheting crowd…yay.

7 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Scott Phillips
    May 25, 2011 @ 10:12:16

    FW – what is that thing growing on your chin? Kind of looks like a beard, but just much more embarrassing….


  2. Darren Chappell
    May 25, 2011 @ 10:20:37

    Keep the pics coming…my ham shank bank is starting to get a little low on content


  3. FW
    May 25, 2011 @ 11:29:43

    Phillis – the irony being that there is more hair on my sparsely populated chin than there is atop your head


  4. Scott Phillips
    May 25, 2011 @ 12:12:44

    ABN – tell us your number….


  5. Clara Sherry
    May 26, 2011 @ 12:02:22

    Hi FW,

    Looks like you and the boys are having a good time. Glad you’re all having fun!

    Just a quick one to say that you’ll be pleased to know i’ve booked another holiday – to S.Africa. Anyway, just off to the cape now…

    p.s. send my love to ABN


  6. Mrs Whatton
    May 26, 2011 @ 12:27:03

    Hi FW,

    Me and your Aunty are coming down to London for an impromptu shopping trip. Your two friends Darren and Phillis have offered to take us out…Apparently we’re going to a place called the Dover Street Bar & Grill – do you know it?

    Much love from Nuneaton.

    Mum xxx


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