Day 6 New Orleans – Bogan 7th Heaven

Rising early to the Louisiana sun , two things became very apparent; the best thing for a hangover is drinking heavily the night before and you will not find being able to take a crap and cook your scramble eggs at the same time as a positive in the RV’ers handbook (to clarify, this is not a school boy euphemism).

Im commandeering this boat...

Many Nurofen and 5 big breakfasts later in the French Quarter the boys split up with Josh and Dean opting a goodies-esque bike ride through the city while the rest embraced their inner redneck on a Fanboating swamp trip with some very humorous mullet aficionados (nic had an unhealthy interest in their mullets which may or may not manifest itself in some way on this trip) and a man who may well be Denmark’s answer to Josef Fritzel.

Post bogan/bicyclefest we all re-grouped for some much needed team spooning before Cajun steaks and a tight brass band.

Team Spooning...Get it?

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