Day 5 Pensacola to New Orleans – Boy, that escalated quickly…

Hitting the road early to maximise our time in ‘The Big Easy’, Dean eased us out of Florida, through Alabama and Mississippi to New Orleans, Louisiana.

Pensacola to New Orleans

Have you seen the never ending story?

Entering our inner-city RV park – French Quarter RV Resort –  we quickly realised that the fort-like appearance was not for our privacy but for our safety. With this in mind it was tops off and straight to the spa for bubbles and early afternoon bevvies.

Just hanging out


Somewhere between petting our neighbours dogs and talking about the pros and cons of Diesel vs regular we found ourselves magically transported (there is no group recollection of where those hours went, we have but a few photos) to the chaos that is Bourbon street. We initially stumbled upon a Funk/Soul covers band who were tearing it up with classics such as “Sweet Caroline”, “Lets Groove” and “You can call me Al”, however the phat-ness of the band was somewhat marred by an inappropriately dressed monstrosity that badgered the entire bar with shots followed by aggressive motorboating (see

Deciding we had had enough of our damaged wench’s antics and her freakish vice-like grip we left for our 2nd and final bar of the evening where the carnage jumped up a notch or two and most detail escapes us and looking at the photos this may have been a good thing, the only lesson learnt from the evening is riding mechanical bulls while drunk is not a good idea, its an excellent idea!

The Reprobates

Grizzle grizzle

Dean’s bull riding adventure:

Would you trust this man with your new wife?

4 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Zoe
    May 19, 2011 @ 00:30:18

    You guys look like you’re having an amazing time! Hope you are all well 😀 xo


  2. Ms Rizzle
    May 19, 2011 @ 10:28:58

    if i haven’t ridden a mechanical bull by year’s end i pledge to become a nun. dean, you are a hero.


  3. Ms Rizzle
    May 19, 2011 @ 10:29:54

    ps: moderating comments is for queers. keep it real, jerks.


  4. Scott Phillips
    May 20, 2011 @ 09:46:33

    Reading about your mano e mano antics as you travel across the USA has made me want to plan my own road trip. Am looking at a summmer tour of all the “dogging” caravan sites of England…any takers??


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